"Bunkerscape" depicts a thorough mapping of today's overground bunker landscape in Hamburg AND FRANKFURT.
These vivid remnants of the past - party living, partly dormant, partly dead - have characterized the cityscapes of Hamburg AND FrANKFUrT for many years now. IN HAMBURG THEY HAVE once amounted to around 1000 in total, the number of these shelters has HOweveR dwindled to around 700 today, of whom 57 are overground bunkerS (hochbunker). still a significant number with ENDLESS stories to tell. Frankfurt was not as heavily paved with bunkers, but had around 50 of them. 35 still stand today.
Their function has continuously changed over time as has the perception of society, the latter, however, still being dominated by vastly contrasting opinions and a strong ambiguity with regards to the question "What should happen to these buildings?". Having evolved from defense structures and AIR-RAID SHELTERS TO STORAGE ROOMS, REfugee camps, cultural venues and nowadays even luxury apartments, Bunker buildings have served and still serve many different purposes. for a long time they have been viewed as brutal reminders of the World War II era and germany's nazi past, depicting a glaring blemish on the country's history. people did not want these "disturbing", "misplaced" and "UGLY" buildings in their near surroundings. Nowadays they turn into some of the most highly sought-after real estate objects, with sky-rocketing prices and a fancy luxury appeal. This change can easily give rise to ethical discussions about the proper use of these buildings.
Should they become a memorial place for remembrance, mourning and learning?
should they become public venues for cultural or leisure activities?
should they become a new home for people, thereby turning into a place of refuge, security and human get-togethers?
The visual focus of the photographs lies on the beautiFUL DETAILS of these often surreal brutalist structures that convey a feeling of strength And shelter but can also make your heart pound with anxiety at the same time. They often stand in stark contrast to modern residential apartment blocks or in HAMBURG to the TYPICAL art nouveau buildings that they are CLOSELY surrounded by or even integrated into.
while the hochbunker in hamburg typically look like immense grey boxes, many of the ones in frankfurt are camouflaged as churches or schools.
The Following map shows exact locations and short descriptions of the bunker buildings portrayed so far. The PIN Colour depicts their current status: snazzymaps.com/embed/7043
White = present | Grey = transformed | Black = demolished.
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